Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baby Michael Pier

So, at this very moment our friends Aaron and April are anxiously awaiting the birth of their precious Baby Boy Michael.  Actually, I have not heard from Aaron since last night so it is possible that he has already arrived.  I know that they have not had an easy pregnancy with him, but I know that it will all be worth it once he arrives.  

My most special thoughts and wishes go out to this precious new family as they continue on what will be the journey of a lifetime!  Love you all ;-)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

When it rains, it pours....

So, let me first start by saying that I love my job. I truly love what I do and I have fun doing it! But, I was reminded this past week of what I don't like about my job.

Our office is sort of out of the way so we attract people who want to just drop off dogs that are unwanted. Those of you that know me know how hard and miserable that is for me. I love dogs and I think that people who do that should have really mean things done to them. This past week was extremely hard because we had two precious girl dogs that arrived at our office a day apart. They were both as precious as they could be! They were so skiddish but eventually warmed up to the staff at DC. Fortunately, we were able find them good homes with college kids who needed companionship, but it could have been worse. I just don't understand what prompts people to just drop off these helpless little animals and leave them alone. But, I have to say that I was impressed with the staff at DC. All of us managed to be unable to hide our soft and sweet side and I know that 2 dogs are better off because of us!

Moving on to last night and today. For those of you that know my angel Joey, he has a temper to say the least. I was looking at a scab that we found last night on his leg which prompted him to go NINJA on me. Steve and I both have had cuts/wounds from him, but my right arm was torn up. Once he figured out that he knew that I would not throw him out the window, he became my best friend and has still YET to leave my side.....crazy dog ;-)

To finish it up, I got into a fight with a knife today and I lost badly. Now I know that I don't cook alot (or at all) but you would think that I would know how to use a knife but apparently not. I was slicing an avocado and thought that it would be fun to slice my thumb instead. So, I have a swollen bandaged left thumb and a nice battle wound on my right - man, what a weekend!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Seriously, really?

I have never been able to deal with rude and mean people.  I think they stink and should have objects thrown at them!  I have a pretty interesting story about these types of characters.  I have omitted the specifics to protect the innocent ;-)

Last night I was  hanging out with good friends at a local karaoke establishment.  There were a few not-so-nice-people who felt it appropriate to do a few jerk things:

*Boo a perfectly good singer twice EVEN after being asked not to do so by the DJ or they could get up and sing themselves.

*Proceeded to inappropriately touch one of the members at our table on the way out - YUCK!

*Used a very inappropriate name in reference to another singer at our table

See, what I don't get is why these people have to be like that?  It stinks that people can't enjoy a fun night out with friends without these punks getting in the way.  If you don't like the singer - leave - but don't attempt to make them feel bad.  And don't even get me started on the butthead who felt like he had a right to put his hands on anything in the bar!  I sincerely hope that I never see him again or a very hard shin kick is in his near future ;-)

Anyway, just a little rant.  But it does bother me that common courtesy seems to be a thing of the past in our society.  I remember being raised to always treat people with respect even if you did not want to or did not like them.  Now, do I always do that, no, but I honestly try to.  I feel very strongly about this which I guess is why it hit a super sore spot with me last night.  

Sorry.....I will step down from the soap box now ;-)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ever have one of those days??

Okay, so here is my thought for today.  Have you ever had one of those days where you are just irritated?  Well, I am having one today...

And what is funny is that I am not mad at anyone or anything - actually my irritability is not directed at anyone at all.  I am just irritated.  Little things that would tend to not even phase me have me all up in a tizzy today.  It is weird, really weird.  

I came to work this morning and spent most of the morning with my door shut.  Around here, that is HUGE!  There just has to be a scandal if the door is shut.  A co-worker sent the "Are you okay" message and I explained my situation.  I have since opened my door so that it is clear to everyone in the office that there is no scandal!  

I hope that I get over this funk soon because it sort of sucks and I don't like to be this way.  I sort of think that life might be easier if I knew what put me here, but until then....

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a great Monday ;-)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Checking In

Okay, so since my last post was back in San Diego it means that I have LOTS of new information to talk about.  Since then, we went to Vegas and lost money.  We did not lose LOTS of money - we actually lost what we could stand to lose, which is good.  It is never a happy time when you lose, but as long as you can stay within budget you can't be too bad off!

We returned back to the LBK with just enough time to wash and repack and head back to Dallas.  Steve's grandma was there and we really wanted to spend some time with her since we don't know when we will be back that way.  I really enjoy spending time with the "outlaw" family (he he).  They are actually a lot of fun, even more when drinking ;-)

After that, we headed back home and hopefully we will be here for a while.  Steve is teaching band camp this week and I am working at DC.  I am very sad because this is the first time since 1997 that I have not worked BOC.  They did away with a lot of positions and, unfortunately, one of them was mine.  But, I am going to Steak Fry tonight and will see lots of people so it makes up a little bit...

In other exciting news, I have two sets of friends whose lives have changed dramatically.  

Israel and Crystal got engaged which is freakin' awesome!  They are precious and it has been such an adventure to watch their life together unfold.  They got engaged in Shreveport and I really think I screamed very loudly when I received the text - Congrats guys!

Larry and Janae Allen got to welcome in their precious daughter Monday evening.  She was quite a few days late and I think Mommie was more than ready!  Her name is Lani Joy and I got to go see her yesterday.  She is super-duper precious and they both looked so happy.  As many of you know, Steve and I have been on a long journey to have a baby, so moments like those are sometimes bittersweet.  I know that ours will come in time, but emotions are what they are.  That is the one of the many beautiful things about my new mommy friends - they understand my struggles and their love and support means more than they know!  I love Larry and Janae and am super excited for them!  

So, I think that is it for now.  I still feel weird writing this blog because I am never sure who really reads it, but it is a nice outlet for me!  Happy Wednesday ;-)