Friday, August 22, 2008

It's almost time....

Okay, so here's the deal.  I have to admit that I have been a little bitter over the past few weeks because my husband has been completely engrossed with Goin' Band business.  True, it is a GREAT opportunity for him, but I have been sad not to have him around.  I would swear at one point that I forgot what he looked like (he he).  But, it has been a really great opportunity for him because he has already gotten to write two drills and two stand tunes for the Goin' Band which is freakin' amazing - I can't wait to hear and see his work next weekend.  Which brings me to the point of this post.......IT'S TIME FOR RED RAIDER FOOTBALL!  Hallelujah!

I am so excited that a week from tomorrow is the first game.  It will be a different experience for me this year because I will be sitting with the Goin' Band.  I think in a sick sort of way it makes me feel important, which I dig!  I am trying not to let the pre-season football hype get to me because as soon as I buy into it we will do something so typically Texas Tech that I will be depressed as fast as I got excited.  But, all skepticism aside, I truly believe that the Red Raiders will do amazing things and I am pumped to be able to be a part of the Goin' Band as we experience this football season.  Plus, it has been very sweet already because I have been able to attend a couple of functions and the staff has been so welcoming to me as a part of the family and that means a lot too ;-)  Hope everyone has a super duper weekend!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Poor Dogs

So, Steve and I manage to keep ourselves pretty busy between my work, my guard rehearsals and. now, his Goin' Band rehearsals starting up. Most of you know, we are going 90 to nothing most days which is why we end up needing a beverage at the end of the day. We are okay with it because we choose to be. However, there are two little guys that I feel more and more sorry for as the days go on - Joey and Max.

I keep remembering the vet telling us when we first got Joey not to worry because when we leave, he sleeps. He does not cry because he is sad or lonely. And, knowing Joey, chances are pretty likely he is asleep before the garage door shuts completely ;-) And Max, who knows what he does - but I am pretty sure that Joey keeps him in check!

The boys did have a great time last night, though. We opted to stay in due to lack of funds, so our friends Jeff and Tamey brought over their two female dogs - Lily and Lola! The 4 of them had so much fun - once Max figured out that we were not going to let him do un-nice things to Lola (poor guy!) Joey actually gave himself a time-out and went to bed, leaving Max severely outnumbered by the girls! But, they had a good time playing together and we will have to do it more often now that we know they can get along!

Friday, August 1, 2008

I am that person

So, as I was looking through the many blogs I like to read, including mine because sometimes I forget what I have said, I realized that I had become the person that I swore I would not be - that person who creates a blog and then forgets to blog!  So, here is my life over the past few days...

On Sunday, I traveled with the coolest girls ever to San Antonio for TBA convention.  We only stayed for the band portion, which was until Tuesday.  I had a blast!  Personally, I love being on the convention floor but I think it is because I know so many people and I like to talk - ALOT!  There was a little bit of drama while I was there, but in this industry I have come to expect it!  

I did realize while I was there, though, that I love what I do.  I like working for kids and helping their Spring trips be awesome.  I love all of my vendors and it is so nice to be able to sit down and talk without the busy-ness of the season.  I just love what I do!  It is so weird for me because I don't think that I have felt this way in a while.  I feel productive and important and I love it!  

We returned back to the LBK on Tuesday evening and I have just been working since.  It is awfully quiet around here, which has been hard to get used to.  The gang will all be back on Monday and the quiet will be gone ;-)  We are leaving in just a few minutes to go to Dallas for the weekend to visit Steve's parents one last time before Tech football season starts.  We get to go to Hurricane Harbor and a Rangers game, so I am super excited!  

Yeah for the weekend....Hope everyone has a great one!