Friday, June 27, 2008

End of the week

So, I have come to the end of San Diego vacation week. I must admit that at times I thought it could not come fast enough, but I must also admit that I am now sad. It has been a good week with family - some that I don't see near enough!

My niece is the sweetest, cutest and most precious little girl in the world. She is almost always happy and makes your heart melt every time you look at her. It has been very cool to see San Diego through a 1-year old's eyes.

In addition to lots of much needed R&R, I got to go to Disneyland, Seaworld, and the San Diego Zoo. All of these are places that I have never been to before, which made them super cool. Our condo was superb, except for that tonight we HAVE to eat tons of food that we bought when we first arrived and have yet to eat ;-(

Needless to say, vacation was much needed and I will be grateful to my in-laws for this experience!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Boys and their toys

So, I have to give Steve credit - when he wants something he does not give up until he gets it! Yesterday, we went to the San Diego Zoo and Steve and I were the only members of our "party" without the newest , latest and greatest camera. Steve's father and brother both have fancy Canon's and we have our camera from a few years ago. Well, long story short, Steve kept dropping hints and now we are the proud parents of a Nikon D40 which I am told is WAY better and cooler then the other one!

So, right now, Steve and his brother are in the middle of an already 2-hour long instructional session on the many ins and outs of our new child. It is oddly reminscent of a new toy at Christmas that EVERYONE wants to play with! Maybe, if I am good, I can play with it soon......probably not ;-)

Monday, June 23, 2008

San Diego Zoo

So, today I am going to go to a place I have wanted to go for a long time - the San Diego Zoo. I get to go with the absolute cutest 1 year old (assuming she gets a good nap) and the tickets are paid for!

So far, the trip is going great. We have a beautiful condo on the beach and I got to meet some more of my mother-in-laws family yesterday. I do worry about getting back into the swing of things at work because I have been gone for so long, but I do admit that I need a break to just sit back and enjoy some time with Steve!

I need to go and take a shower now because there are 4 of us sharing one shower! Will check in later.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Great Man

After what had proven to be a very exhausting, but exciting, weekend of watching Braedon play baseball, we got some very tragic news.  Steve's grand-dad (otherwise known as CT) had passed away Sunday morning.

For those of you who never knew this man, you missed out.  He was a father to 5, father-in law to many, and grand-dad/great-grand-dad to the luckiest bunch of kids ever!  He had a stroke around 9 AM on Sunday and passed on shortly after it.  

You know, I have experienced so many deaths in my life that sometimes you feel like you are numb, like you can't hurt anymore.  But, that is so not true.  This week will be very difficult to say goodbye to this man.  He took me into the Knight family with a heart full of love and no questions asked.  

We travel back East today for the viewing and the funeral which will all happen on Tuesday/Wednesday.  Please say a special prayer for the entire Knight family, as this will be a terribly hard time for everyone.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Ever just have one of those days where motivation is at an all time low?  I am smack in the middle of one.  It is not that I have nothing to do, because that is SOOO not the case.  Since changing our work week from 5 days to 4, Thursdays are the new Fridays!  I really try to be motivated and get work done, but it is has yet to work.

Steve and I leave tomorrow morning for a trip East to visit my In-Laws and my stepson.  He just turned 9, which I totally cannot believe.  I met him when he was three, which officially makes me old.  He is such a neat kid to be around, although he seriously makes me tired to keep pace with him!  We are going to get to see him play a lot of baseball this weekend, which is cool because we have not in a while.   We will be back on Sunday night in time for the big poker tourney which I am so excited about because all of the "gang" gets to play - hooray!  

Sometimes I wish that I had blogs more insightful, however, this is all I can offer at this point.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Obsession

Okay, so I totally have a new obsession and that is Sex and the City.  I know, I know.....I am about ten years behind, but I am totally loving it!  I have a friend that got me interested in them right before the movie came out, but we did not get to see them all before the release date so now I spend my evenings on SATC marathons!  The movie was awesome, although my husband begrudges Hollywood for all it's romantic shenanigans ;-)

I am trying to get through another day in the office and looking forward to, hopefully, seeing a good friend of mine from Colorado who is back in the LBK today!  I have a feeling that tonight's SATC marathon will be shared with some laundry/packing as we leave again on Thursday.  We are becoming quite the world travelers in the month of June ;-)

Monday, June 9, 2008

First Entry

Okay, so I am going to try this whole blog thing because it appears to be the "In" thing to do.  I have to admit, I feel a little old for this, but I am always up for trying new things!

We have started a new work schedule and I am seriously struggling.  Instead of five 8-hour days we are now working four 10-hour days and we get Friday off.  Cool, huh?  Not really, because a 10-hour day drags on forever.  

Well, I guess that is all for now.  I apologize for not saying more, but I must get back to work ;-)